Insert Elementor to A Page Built with Ruby Composer

In case you are using Ruby Composer and would like to insert layouts or blocks from Elementor.

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Plugins > Add New
  2. Find to install and active the plugin AnyWhere Elementor:
  3. Navigate to AE Templates, then use Elementor to build block or layout you want.
  4. Copy the template shortcode you have just created.
  5. Navigate to Pages > All Pages, then select the page (has been created by Ruby Composer) that you want to put the layout.
  6. Create a new Fullwidth Section.
  7. Navigate to Section Settings > Section Layout, then select “FullWidth Stretched (Full-Wide Content: 100%)”
  8. Switch to the Blocks panel, then add Raw HTML – Shortcode box.
  9. Input the shortcode that you copied.
  10. Save your changes.

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