How to Config the Footer?

Footer settings are a part of the Theme Options panel.

To get started, you can navigate to Theme Options > Footer Settings

You can change:

  1. Footer Background: You can set a background color or background image for the footer.
  2. Text Style: select a style for the footer.
  3. Footer Logo: logo to display in the footer.
  4. Social Icons: social icons in the footer.
  5. Footer Menu: enable or disable footer menu
  6. Footer Menu Font: Select font for footer menu
  7. Widget Layout: Select layout for widget sections to display at the footer.
  8. Footer – Text Style: this is an important option allows you can control all text color depend on the footer background. Select “dark” if you have a light background and “light” if you have a dark background.
  9. Copyright Text: the copyright info of your website.
Text Style is an important option allows you can control all text color depend on the footer background.

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