Use Elementor Lightbox in Single Post Content

The lightbox feature is a built-in function of Elementor. To activate this feature within the content of a single page, you need to use at least one Elementor element on any part of the single post, such as: the mega menu, sidebar template, footer template, single template, or related template.

– To use the single template, please refer: “How to Structure a Single-Post Layout Using a Single Template.

– To use the sidebar template, please refer: “How to Add a Ruby Template to Sidebar.

– To use the custom Mega menu, please refer: “How to Create a Custom Mega Menu Using Ruby Template.

– To use the footer template, please refer: “Footer Builder.

Enable the lightbox feature in Elementor:

  1. Upload your image to the media library in WordPress.
  2. In the post editor, click on the “Open Media Library” button and select the image you want to add to the post.
  3. In the “Attachment Details” panel on the top, click on the “Link to Media File” option. This will ensure that the image links to the full-size version of the image, which will be used by the lightbox.
  4. Publish or update the post.
  5. To enable Lightbox in Elementor: From any Elementor page or post, click the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the Widget Panel, then navigate to Site Settings > Settings > Lightbox.
  6. Image Lightbox: Slide the switch to enable or disable the lightbox globally.
You can refer to the official documentation of this feature here: Lightbox


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