Your Site Social Profiles

In order to you would like to config social icons in the header, sidebar, and footer. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Theme Options > Social Profiles
  2. Find a social you would like to add, then input the site fan page URL.

How to create your own socials:

Foxiz allows you to create your own socials if you cannot find it on the socials list.

To get started, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Theme Options > Social Profiles
  2. Refer to the “Custom Social Profiles” section.
  3. Follow the instruction of fields to add your social profiles. The theme supports maximum 3 custom socials.

Social profiles don’t work for in sidebars?

The “– [Sidebar] Social/About –” widget has custom social settings and it will override on the default.

To edit, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Widgets
  2. find the “Foxiz – Widget Social Icons/About” in the right sections.
  3. Open the widget settings and then edit links to what you need.

Still no luck? We can help!

Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.