Unique Post, Remove Duplicate posts

This is a smart query filter which help your website does not display duplicate posts in homepage and other Elementor page.

Switch global unique post setting to individual setting for each Elementor block (Foxiz version 1.1.1 or above). This change will let you to easy control query of featured blocks and offset setting.

To enable the Unique Post, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Live Editor and select a block you would like to edit
  2. Select the “Content” tab, then find “Unique Post”
  3. Select “Enable”
  4. Click on the “Update”
The unique filter will not apply to the Elementor live editor to speed up editing.

Please note:

  1. We recommend you should enable unique posts for the bottom blocks of the page. For the top blocks, you can use tag or offset filters to avoid the duplication.
  2. Leave blank the offset setting in for all unique blocks. Your page may miss posts if you add offset value to unique blocks.

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