Structuring Layouts for Flex Blocks in Elementor

Flex blocks provide you with the flexibility to organize various components in a custom order, enabling you to present content elements such as headlines, thumbnails, and metadata in a way that suits your design and content hierarchy preferences.

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Pages > All Pages.
  2. Select a page you would like to edit or add a new page, and click on the “Edit with Elementor” link.
  3. The website will redirect to another URL and the panel will appear on the page. Then you can search “flex” blocks in the Elementor.
  4. After you search “flex“, you can drag and drop blocks inside.
  5. Click on the “Style” tab, and you will find the “Block Structure Order” option within the “Block Structure” section.
  6. Here, you can input keywords, including: [title, thumbnail, meta, review, excerpt, readmore, divider].
  7. Click “Update/Publish

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