How to Set Up Query Filters in Elementor Blocks

This feature allows users can easily specify and configure query filters to sort and display content based on their specific criteria. Users have the flexibility to set up various filters such as categories, tags, authors, post types, and more.

To get started, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Pages > All Pages.
  2. Select a page you would like to edit, and click on the “Edit with Elementor” link.
  3. Navigate to the Live Editor and select a block you would like to edit
  4. In the settings panel for Block in this template, navigate to Content > Query Settings

  5. Category Filter: Filter posts by category.
  6. Categories Filter: the option allows you to display posts from specific categories using their respective category IDs. Simply separate the category IDs with commas.
    For example, if your website has categories such as “Technology” “Travel” and “Food” and you want to display posts from both the “Technology” and “Food” categories, you would input the corresponding category IDs, separated by commas, like this: 1, 3.
  7. Exclude Category IDs: the option enables you to remove specific categories from being displayed in your content. If you want to exclude certain categories from your posts, simply input their category IDs separated by commas in the provided field. This setting is only available when selecting all categories.
    For example, if you want to exclude categories such as “Fashion” “Travel” and “Lifestyle” you would input the corresponding category IDs, separated by commas, like this: 4, 6, 7.
  8. Tags Slug Filter:The option allows you to sort and display posts based on specific tag identifiers on your website. By utilizing this filter, you can easily select and showcase posts associated with particular tags. Simply input the tag slugs, which are keywords identifying the tags, separated by commas in the provided field.
    For example, if your website has tags such as “summer-vacation” “travel-tips” and “food-recipes” and you want to display posts associated with the “travel-tips” and “food-recipes” tags, you would input the tag slugs accordingly, separated by commas, like this: travel-tips, food-recipes.
  9. Exclude Tags Slug:the option allows you to exclude specific tags from being displayed in your content. If you want to exclude certain tags from your posts, simply input their tag slugs separated by commas in the provided field.
    For example, if you want to exclude tags such as “featured” “news” and “promotions” you would input the corresponding tag slugs, separated by commas, like this: featured, news, promotions.
  10. Post Format: Filter posts by post format.
  11. Author Filter: Filter posts by post author.
  12. Exclude Post IDs: the option allows you to prevent specific posts from being displayed on your website. If you wish to exclude particular posts, simply input their Post IDs separated by commas in the provided field.
    For example, if you want to exclude posts with the IDs 5, 8, and 12, you would input the Post IDs accordingly, separated by commas, like this: 5, 8, 12.
  13. Post IDs Filter: the option allows you to specifically display posts based on their individual post identifiers on your website. By utilizing this filter, you can easily select and exhibit posts with particular IDs. Simply input the post IDs separated by commas in the designated field.
    For example, if you want to display posts with the IDs 1, 4, and 7, you would input the corresponding post IDs, separated by commas, like this: 1, 4, 7.
  14. Sort Order: Select a sort order type for the query.

    Regarding the popular filter: which relies on the Post View Counter plugin. Hence, you will need to install and activate the Post Views Counter plugin.
  15. Number of Posts: Select the number of posts to display at once.
  16. Post Offset:the option allows you to specify the number of posts to skip over when displaying your content. If you want to skip a certain number of initial posts, simply input the desired numerical value in the provided field.
    For example, if you want to skip the first 3 posts and start displaying content from the 4th post onwards, you would input the number “3” in this option.

To use Jetpack Top Posts, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Pages > All Pages.
  2. Select a page you would like to edit or add a new page, and click on the “Edit with Elementor” link.
  3. The website will redirect to another URL and the panel will appear on the page. Then click the block you would like to edit.
  4. In the “Content” tab, you will find the option “Jetpack Top Posts“. This option only supported for these blocks: (Flex Grid 1, Flex Grid 2, Flex List, Flex Overlay, Podcast Flex Grid, Podcast Flex List, Podcast Flex Overlay)

    The settings in this section will override other query settings such as: sort order and more…The maximum number of posts to show is 10, you can set this value in the “Query Settings > Posts Per Page“.

  5. In the “Jetpack Top Posts” section, you will find the option for “Show Top Posts“. Then select “Enable
  6. Number of Days: The number of days used to calculate Top Posts for the Top Posts is not recommended to exceed 10 days at once
  7. Click “Update

Post Views Counter

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