How to edit Style and Layout of a Block in a Elementor Page?

Block Style Settings

Foxiz allows you to manage block style and layout via Elementor settings, To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Live Editor and select a block you would like to edit
  2. Select the Style tab, then find the setting  you would like to edit.
These settings will be overridden on the global settings in the theme option panel. To edit the global settings, Please read this documentation.

Post Entry Meta

If you would like to choose post entry meta for a specific block. Follow steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Style tab > Block Design
  2. Select Custom Below under the Entry Meta setting.
  3. At Entry Meta Tags box, Input entry meta keys to show, separate by comma. For example: avatar,author,date

Meta keys including: avatar, author, date, category, tag, view, comment, update, read, custom

Block Layout Settings

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Live Editor and select a block you would like to edit
  2. Select the Layout tab, then find the setting  you would like to edit.
Please note: If you see a desktop or mobile icon beside a setting. It means that it is a responsive setting. You can set separately values for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

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