How to Create a Subscription Button

Simple Membership plugin allows you to create Subscription/Recurring payment buttons for membership payment.

Ensure you have the latest version of the Simple Membership Plugin installed and activated on your WordPress website. Also, ensure you have created a membership level to hook your payments to.

You can refer the official documentation for further information.

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > WP Membership > Payments.
  2. From the “Payments” menu you will see a tab titled “Create New Button”.
  3. Once you click on the “Create New Button” tab, you will need to select “Stripe SCA Subscription”.
  4. Click the “Next” button. You will need to give your SCA Compliant Stripe Subscription button a: title and choose the membership level that this button is for.
  5. Click “Save Payment Data” to save the changes.

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