How to create a Slider or Carousel in the Homepage?

The theme supports the carousel/slider mode for almost blocks. This will help you turn any block to a carousel/slider.

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Live Editor and then choose a block as grid, overlay… you would like to enable the carousel mode.
  2. Select the Layout tab > Carousel Mode
  3. Then select “Enable” option in the carousel settings

Carousel Settings

  • Number of Slides : this is a responsive settings, it means that you can set number of slides for desktop, tablet and mobile devices. This settings allows decimal values, for example: 1.5
  • Wide Screen – Number of Slides: number of slider on the screen wide than 1500px. This settings allows decimal values
  • Carousel Gap Value: spacing between slides. Input -1 if you would like to disable the gap.
  • Centered Sliders: Align all slides to middle, this setting is helpful if you set a decimal value for the total sliders
  • Add many other settings…
These settings will override on the default settings in the theme options panel. To set global values, Please read this documentation.

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