How to Add Personalized Blocks on Elementor

To setup the Personalized System in the theme options, please refer to this documentation: How to setup reading list

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Pages > All Pages.
  2. Select a page you would like to edit or add a new page, and click on the “Edit with Elementor” link.
  3. The website will redirect to another URL and the panel will appear on the page. Then you can search “personalized ” blocks in the Elementor.
  4. After you search “personalized ”, you can drag and drop blocks inside.
  5. Here, you can make your desired changes within the Elementor options through tabs such as Content, Style, Layout, and Advanced.
  6. Display Mode: There are two options (Ajax & Direct)
    Ajax mode is compatible with cache plugins, while direct mode can improve user experience. However, if you enable direct mode, you will need to exclude this page contain the block from the cache.
  7. Query Settings:
    This block will query posts based on your user’s interests.
    To utilize the user reading history query, Make sure to enable the Reading History option under “Theme Options > Personalized > Reading History
    Navigate to “Theme Options > Personalization” to set up restricted information if guest bookmarks are disabled.
  8. Number of Posts: Select the number of posts to display at once.
  9. Post Offset: specify the number of posts to skip. Leaving it blank starts from the beginning. Use with caution: enabling this setting may result in missing posts if Unique posts is activated.
  10. Ajax Pagination: Choose an AJAX pagination type. If not selected, the default is to disable this feature.
  11. Click “Update/Publish

How to Exclude Specific Pages from WP Super Cache Plugin Cache

  1. To exclude specific pages from the cache, navigate to Settings > WP Super Cache
  2. You can click on the Advanced tab.
  3. And then, locate the “Rejected URL Strings” section within this setting field, which allows you to add the page slugs you want to exclude from the cache.
    For example, if your My Feed page resides at

    You would add the slug as shown below:
  4. Finally, click “Save Strings” and then clear your caches.

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