How to Activate the Theme

In order to activate the Foxiz theme, you have to use the Envato Purchase Code, to enjoy the full benefits of the WordPress template. The Activation System prevents mass piracy of the theme and allows us to better serve you with free updates, upcoming premium features.

When you activate the Foxiz theme, you will have full access to all of the theme functionality.

To activate the Foxiz theme:

  1. Make sure to have installed and activated the default plugin: Foxiz Core.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Foxiz Admin
  3. Enter your Envato Purchase Code and Your Email in the required area.
  4. Press the Activate Theme button.

Deactivate theme license

In order to your would like change the theme to another website. You need to deactivate theme before reactivate it on a new website.

Foxiz allows you to activate the theme on localhost for testing purposes


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